This form was handed out to a Jewish congregation before the High Holidays in order to smooth out the seating process this New Year.
During the last holiday season, many individuals expressed concern over the seating arrangements in the synagogue. In order for us to place you in a seat which will best suit you, we ask you to complete the following questionnaire and return it to the synagogue office as soon as possible.
1. I would prefer to sit in the . . . (Check one)
______Talking section
______No talking section
2. If talking, which category do you prefer? (indicate order of interest)
_____ Stock market
_____ Sports
_____ Medicine
_____ General gossip
_____ Specific gossip (choose)
_____ The rabbi
_____ Fashion news
_____ What others are wearing
_____ Your neighbors
_____ Your neighbor's relatives
_____ President Obama
_____ Other:
3. Which of the following would you like to be near for free professional advice?
_____ Doctor
_____ Dentist
_____ Nutritionist
_____ Psychiatrist
_____ Child psychiatrist
_____ Mother in law
_____ Pilot
_____ Podiatrist
_____ Chiropractor
_____ Stockbroker
_____ Accountant
_____ Lawyer
_____ Criminal
_____ Civil
_____ Estate agent
_____ Architect
_____ Plumber
_____ Buyer (Specify store:_____________)
_____ Golf pro (tentative: we're still trying to find a Jewish one)
_____ Other:________________________
4. I want to be seated (Indicate order of priority)
_____ On the aisle
_____ Near the exit
_____ Near the window
_____ In Aruba
_____ Near the bathroom
_____ Near the pulpit
_____ Near the kiddush table
_____ Where no one on the bimah can see/hear me talking during services
_____ Where no one will notice me sleeping during services
_____ Where I can sleep during the rabbi's sermon (Additional Charge)
_____ Where I can see my spouse over the mechitza
_____ Where I cannot see my spouse over the mechitza
6. Please do not place me anywhere near the following people (limit of 6 names):
(If you require more space, you may wish to consider joining another congregation)