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NCSY Alumni

  • Contests for NCSY Alumni Team for Miami Marathon

    Contests for NCSY Alumni Team for Miami Marathon

    All Team NCSY Alumni runners (or walkers, joggers, crawlers…) are eligible to participate in the following contests: • Fastest Full Marathon Time (1 Male and 1 Female) • Fastest Half Marathon Time (1 Male and 1 Female) • Runner with the most creative costume (1) • Runner whose predicted finish time is closest to his/ her actual finish time (1)

    posted by , on August 16, 2012
  • Ancient Chinese Secrets: Rabbi Marchuck’s August Blog

    Ancient Chinese Secrets: Rabbi Marchuck’s August Blog

      Ahhh, the fortune cookie…Most of us don’t take them too seriously, but few of us leave a meal without reading them! I always wonder; “What makes the numbers that I have on my fortune luckier than those on my wife’s fortune?” I’m sure that Chinese mythology would be able to explain this seemingly random

    posted by , on August 1, 2012
  • Finding Skills for Life in the Torah: Sensitivity to Others

    Finding Skills for Life in the Torah: Sensitivity to Others

    Have you ever shown up to a wedding in your suit straight from work thinking everything will be totally fine, only to realize that you stick out like a sore thumb because everyone else is wearing a tux and you are completely underdressed? Or how about a Purim party, where you assume everyone will be in wearing costumes, but you find that you are the only one who dresses up? You wish someone would have had the sensitivity to warn you about the dress code beforehand so you wouldn’t feel so out of place.

    posted by , on August 1, 2012
  • Rabbi Marchuck’s July Blog

    Rabbi Marchuck’s July Blog

    What a great time of the year! Children are running out of the classrooms and into the summer fun. Be careful not to get in their way…or you'll be sorry. Just as the classic Talmudic commentator Tosfot described the Jewish people when leaving Mount Sinai after receiving the Torah,   "In journeying away from Mount Sinai, they

    posted by , on July 1, 2012
  • Finding Our Torah, Our Youth and Our Beit Hamikdash

    Finding Our Torah, Our Youth and Our Beit Hamikdash

    The Nine Days are upon us and though we know the specifics of the halachot of this time of year, a time of national mourning, we are still aware that it is only a set amount of time. The countof how many shirts one has left or how long until one can shave permeates our thoughts. Often that is what the nine days have been reduced to. However, sadly, we are tragically forced into remembrance. This week we lost our Gadol Hador (Torah leader in our generation) as well as a very young neshama (soul) who was just playing in the sand on a beautiful summer day.

    posted by , on June 1, 2012
  • Faith is the Remedy

    Faith is the Remedy

    Faith is the Remedy By: Aaron B. Buechler (New Jersey Regional board) (On the right in the picture below)              Parshat Chukat is fascinating, besides being my bar mitzvah parsha.  Parshat Chukat is action-packed with many different stories and themes that seemingly have no correlation.  There appears to be no

    posted by , on June 1, 2012
  • OU IFS Birthright Program Invites Participants to Find Their Niche in Israel

    OU IFS Birthright Program Invites Participants to Find Their Niche in Israel

    OU ISRAEL FREE SPIRIT TAGLIT-BIRTHRIGHT PROGRAM INVITES PARTICIPANTS TO FIND THEIR NICHE IN ISRAEL By Batya Rosner To travel to Israel, or not to travel to Israel – that is the question. Israel Free Spirit (IFS), the Orthodox Union’s Taglit-Birthright Israel program, provides plenty of reasons for answering in the affirmative, including a niche trip

    posted by , on May 8, 2012
  • Rabbi Marchuck’s April Blog

    Rabbi Marchuck’s April Blog

    Hi all. Wow how do I love this time of year! March Madness is heart racing, awe-inspiring and for some, even miraculous! Yes, there's the NCAA Basketball Tournament going on, but I am referring to Jewish homes around the world. Let me share with you a great example of 'Passover March Madness.' A couple of

    posted by , on April 1, 2012
  • Thoughts From a Fly on the Wall at the Midwest Family Yachad Shabbaton

    Thoughts From a Fly on the Wall at the Midwest Family Yachad Shabbaton

    ARTICLES March 28, 2012 Thoughts From a Fly on the Wall at the Midwest Family Yachad Shabbaton THOUGHTS FROM A FLY ON THE WALL AT THE MIDWEST FAMILY YACHAD SHABBATON By Shira Masha Frishman, Minneapolis, MN Shira Masha Frishman, 21, is a sophomore at the University of Minnesota As I drive back from an inspiring

    posted by , on March 28, 2012
  • OU Applauds Supreme Court Yerushalayim Passport Case

    OU Applauds Supreme Court Yerushalayim Passport Case

    OU Applauds Supreme Court Yerushalayim Passport Case Monday March 26, 2012 2:40 PM   Today, the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations of America applauded the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court finding — in Zivotofsky v. Clinton — that it is appropriate for the federal courts to determine whether Jerusalem-born American citizens can list Israel

    posted by , on March 26, 2012