In high school, Talia Lautman Borenstein, was always challenging herself. In 11th grade, she served as the chapter president of Cleveland NCSY and following that she served on Central East regional board during a transitional period. The steps she took and the way she pushed herself to step up throughout those years allowed her to gain confidence and develop skills that she utilized in college and continues to use now in graduate school as she is entering the professional field.
While a member of Central East Regional Board 2009, Talia was challenged to make announcements at each shabbaton in front of the entire region. This responsibility gave her the confidence to do the same while in other settings. Since graduating from NCSY, she has maintained this skill going on to become a division head for 2 years at Camp Stone and the two summers after that she took on a higher leadership role functioning as the Rosh HaMoshava, head of the camp. As the Rosh HaMoshava, she was responsible for over 800 campers and staff. “When I was making decisions this past summer for so many people, I had the confidence in making the right decisions for everyone which lead to staff and campers to trust me and my decisions. I don’t think I would have had that confidence without my participation in NCSY.”
Talia enrolled as a student at Stern College for Women and following her graduation became a Presidential Fellow at Yeshiva University working in the Department of Institutional Advancement. Now, Talia is studying for her Master’s degree in Community Organization, Policy, and Development at Hunter Silberman School of Social Work. “I would love to work in the realm of professional development with Jewish organizations, where I would help them improve their professionalism and create a more productive work environment.” Talia has realized through her leadership roles that, “gaining the confidence to do something that is beyond just you, it is critical when trying to be a great leader.”
This summer Talia and her husband Yaakov are going to be the logistical coordinators for NCSY’s summer program, GIVE West. She’ll be running activities, special programming and giving shiurim for the campers. “We are really excited to go on the trip and be a support for the girls and staff. We can’t wait to create a GIVE West 2015 family.”